Facebook Livestream Views

November 15, 2021 — 2 mins read

In recent years, Facebook also got into the streaming market. There are many platforms for Live Streaming like Twitch, Youtube but what are the advantages of streaming on Facebook?

  • Trust factor. People are more likely to see you and hear you because it is real. So they can trust you!
  • Engagement. It all happened in real time so you can interact with your fans and clients! Live videos always attract attention!
  • Growth of your page. Facebook Live allows viewers to ask questions during the stream and share content in their feed. This way users do not need to search for content: live streams "find" their audience by themselves
  • You can choose Viewsta Facebook Livestream services and start your promotion right now!

 An increasing number of people around the world prefer to communicate with their followers and friends directly. The benefit of hosting Facebook Live Streams is obvious: you can reach a completely different audience than on Instagram. Instagram's average audience is primarily young adults between 18-25, whereas, on Facebook, the age difference is remarkable.

 While many young people have changed to Instagram full-time, many older people still use Facebook as their primary and only social media. This creates whole different ways of marketing tailored directly to this powerful audience.

So lives are the best possible way of interacting with your audience. But what is the use in holding lives if no one watches them? 

 You can buy Facebook live stream views on Viewsta and solve this problem.

 Search terms for "Facebook Live" increased 330% from 2016 to 2018, according to Google Trends. Facebook Live has become a profitable market for bloggers and companies, reaching an audience of 2 billion viewers in 2018. 

If you have no ideas what you can do with your Facebook Livestream, then you can start with these ideas:

  • Answers to followers’ questions;
  • Thematic tutorials, tips and tricks;
  • Product reviews (including while using the product);
  • Running a contest or interactive;
  • Announcement of an upcoming promotion;
  • Broadcasting of a corporate event;
  • Interview with a customer or employee;
  • A joint live broadcast with an expert.

All you need to do is realize that is your great opportunity to be popular, rich and successful so start your promotion with Viewsta!

Facebook Live Stream Views | 30 Minutes  - $ 3.45 / 1 000

Facebook Live Stream Views | 60 Minutes  - $ 4.65 / 1 000

Facebook Live Stream Views | 90 Minutes   - $ 7.34 / 1 000

Facebook, like any social network, requires work and creativity.  Study your audience and continually improve the quality of your content. We wish you the best of luck and inspiration with high-quality promotion with Viewsta.

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