Instagram Promotion
September 02, 2021 — 2 mins read

The new feature “Reels” is gradually gaining popularity on Instagram! The video format is more likely for the audience than photos, so the experiment with Reels is really lucky! Reels remind us of the Tik-Tok platform, but if we know about the popularity of Tik-Tok, what about Reels? 

 We found out some interesting facts about how to make your Reels video viral! There are some tips!

#1 Make a friend with Instagram algorithms!

Instagram algorithms allow your first Reels video to gain a big amount of views. But only for one video! Then you need to use only paid promotional ways for the next Reels! 

 If you understand that your content is really cool, the best and easy way to go to the top is buying Instagram Reels Views on Viewsta!When at least 5 of your Reels  have a big amount of views, Instagram will automatically bring your video to the top too!

#2 Not unique but FUNNY!

People are more likely to see the simple and funny content! Try not to use complicated words! An easy-going person with funny ideas is the best tip for a quick start!

#3 Trivially but IMPORTANT

 Don’t forget about your marketing strategy and using hashtags! If you use the right hashtags for a post, you're likely to see higher engagement. This is because hashtags categorize content, making it more searchable.

Nowadays, it's considered ineffective to promote by tags, but it's always worth introducing them for your headings and at the start of your promotion. Your content may end up in users' feeds even if they don't follow you, so don’t forget that the most important part is buying Instagram Reel views on Viewsta!

#4 Don’t forget about Stories and Mother of Reels - Tik-Tok

Repost your Reels in your Stories and Tik-Tok account! The more people see your content, the more viral it can be!

#5 Trends music is your HERO!

Follow the trends and use them in your video popular music! Viral track + Viral video = Viral content!

#6 Buy your place in popularity!

 I kept it as a secret till the end but if you are reading here, you need to know that you can simply make only two actions: buy Instagram Reels Views and Instagram Reels likes! It allows you to gain popularity during 24 hours!


   Instagram Reel Likes $5.00 / 1000

Instagram Reel Views $ 1.00 / 1 000

Follow the link and make your life easier in two clicks.

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