YouTube Drops - Tips To Avoid Them

Knowledge Base YouTube Promotion
April 27, 2021 — 2 mins read

Sometimes promoting your videos may face drops. 

Lots of YouTubers at least once had a situation when YouTube took their views. But why do one’s views drop regularly, and another’s views drop hardly ever? We’ve analyzed the statistics of all videos which have ever been promoted with our services and now we’re willing to share the info with you. 

How YouTube acts when you upload a video:

It counts in your views, they might appear in your public count for some time - then hides all or some of them to check - then gives them back after checking. 

You don’t have to worry if there are not enough views. Either YouTube will give them back, or we will make a refill. All you have to do is wait patiently up to 72 hours. It won't harm your account and statistics.

Please note that the time that YouTube spends on checking and the algorithms are different and depend on GEO. 

Why aren’t all views counted? Why does YouTube take most of them?

It depends on several reasons:

  • The speed of views delivery. For example, if there are 5 views delivered simultaneously, they might be counted as one. 
  • The topic. According to analysis, COVID related videos and political videos will get under pessimizing for 100%. Moreover, you must be careful with these topics: religion, weapon, discrimination etc. They are also likely to be under pessimizing in some countries. 
  • A video doesn’t correspond to YouTube Policy. We know some cases when a video was successfully uploaded and published, but restricted much later. 

What to do to avoid drops and not get under pessimization?

When creating your content:

  • Regularly check YouTube policy updates to be sure that your video doesn’t get into pessimization.
  • Make sure that your type of content does not violate YouTube rules. Prohibited kinds of content - Sensitive content, Violent or dangerous content, Content connected with Regulated goods

Important note! If you state your content as “kid friendly”, there MUSTN'T be any adult related content. Now there remains only two types of content: kids and adult one.

When making an order in your personal viewsta account:

  • Choose geo-targeted services for non-english content
  • Don't create a multiorder with the same type of service at once.

Following these tips will help you promote your videos without any problems!

Anyway, all guaranteed Viewsta services have 100% refill in case of drops. You can choose the best one for you with different retention, refill and speed  conditions. Our Support Team is always ready to help in case you have any questions! 

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