How To Make Your Instagram Account Remarkable?

Instagram Promotion
January 24, 2022 — 3 mins read

Visual content is the most popular, and it's what dominates most social networks. Instagram is one of the clearest examples of this. In this article we are going to discuss how one can make his or her Instagram remarkable and how to stand out from the crowd. 

This article will be useful for everyone who wants to alter his or her account into a real tool of promotion. 

Step #1

First of all, pay attention to your user pick. It’s the first thing your subscribers see, so try to catch attention from the start. 

How informative (readable) is your image, and does it convey the meaning and content of your account? How attractive, bright and contrasting is it? 

There are different options for avatar design: photo or graphic, your portrait or logo. It's up to you. For a well-known brand, a logo provides appeal through recognition. For a micro-business, you can gain more credibility with a "face." The goal is to attract, hook and remember. Make sure that your avatar represents the things you do or the product you sell.

Step #2

Second thing is to choose the right login. Rules for choosing a username: 

1. Sound nice and spell easy. Let your login be easy to write from dictation and be meaningful. So everyone knows how to write it and remembers it. 

2. It is undesirable to use several consonants or vowels in a row. 

3. It's better to choose one word or a word with one underscore. For example: alex_brown.

4. Do not use numbers unless they are part of your brand name. 

5. Insert your product in the name, for example, if you sell flowers, the name of your brand plus the underscore plus the word “flowers” will work: iren_flowers. Or if you're in the loft rental business: allnightlofts. 

6. If you use other social platforms, write the same username everywhere in order to help your followers to find you.  

Step #3

The third point is to make a perfect description. You got - 30 name (additional, not the same as username) characters and 150 description characters. In these 180 selling symbols, you have to tell them about yourself. After all, new people come to you and assess your profile almost instantly, they want to know who you are and what you are interesting or useful for.

Use keywords - that will help find you in a search on Instagram. The name of the profile should explain what your business is. Remember to add your contacts as well, and preferably, a call to action: "Click the link", "Subscribe", "Follow the broadcasts". Write hooks: free shipping, seasonal discounts, super recipes every day.

An active link is very important if you have your own website.

Step #4

Fourth thing, which stays crucial - Stories Highlights. They should capture the most important points of your page. If you run a business, make highlights with prices for your top products or just an overview of them, highlights with promotions and bonuses. Make a separate highlight with the products in stock or a list of services that you have. Talk about where you can ship the product. In short, answer all the key questions that your potential buyer may have in advance. Collect feedback from your customers and publish it as well. 

If you struggle sometimes to find an idea don’t hesitate and check the pages you follow. You will certainly find some inspiration. 

Follow these steps and your account will transform and be noticeable. 

In order to promote your account, use the services of Viewsta for Instagram:

Instagram Likes - $15.00 per 1000

Instagram followers - $6.00 per 1000

Instagram Reel Views - $0.90 per 1000

Read more about Instagram Promotion in previous article:

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