Instagram Stats & Updates 2021

Instagram Promotion News and Stats
November 08, 2021 — 2 mins read

Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks nowadays. Everyone watches the Stories and Reels but what is really interesting is a stat!

Let's see how many people all over the world use this!

  • MORE THAN 1 BILLION people use Instagram every month! That makes Instagram the second-ranked traditional social network in terms of active users, behind Facebook. When considering all social platforms, Instagram ranks sixth – behind Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat.
  • 500 MILLION  people use Instagram Stories every day. With half a billion people using Stories every single day, it’s clear that Stories are an important channel for brands. If you have a business the Stories are a great deal for you! Just imagine how many customers you can receive on this platform. Start your Instagram business with Viewsta services! Make your Stories go viral.

 If you don’t know what to post on your account this fact is right for you! The most popular content on Instagram is… MEMES

  • 1 MILLION posts on Instagram is MEMES! So you can have fun and earn money at the same time! Just upload pictures and write texts! If you prefer the video content don’t forget about Reels! And on our platform we had Reels services ,of course! So start shooting a cool video with Viewsta!

  •  Instagram engagement is on the rise for brands. This means that brands can generate over 4x more interactions on Instagram compared to Facebook.

 Instagram engagement is the degree of involvement that your followers show toward your Instagram content. This could be in the form of likes, comments, or shares.  So for good engagement you can buy Instagram services on Viewsta!

Some new features in Instagram:

  • Ad recommendations. Now some users, when they see an ad in their Instagram feed, are shown an additional "See More" box with similar ad creatives on that topic.
  • Instagram has combined video posts and IGTV into one tab.
  • All videos from the feed and IGTV videos are now collected in the profile in one tab with a triangle icon;
  • The duration of videos in the feed is increased to 60 seconds;
  • New features in Instagram livestream.
  • Instagram highlights can now be sent to "pending"-that is, scheduled for a specific time in the future.
  • New sticker in Instagram Stories: photo contest.

You post a story with this sticker, where you write, for example, "Show your pets. Your followers, by clicking on the sticker, post a photo of themselves, contributing to the overall selection. 

 Don’t miss next updates with us and let your promotion to professionals on!

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