What does every marketer need to know about Twitter in 2021?

Twitter Promotion
July 23, 2021 — 2 mins read

 If you want Twitter strategy to work for your brand, you need to know some interesting facts about stat. 

 Before you plan an effective marketing strategy for any social platform, you need to understand who’s using it, and how you can promote your page. Here are the most important Twitter statistics you need to know to understand how and why people are using this social network in 2021.


  1. 187 millions monetizable daily active users.

Twitter has an advertising audience of 353 million. That number is up 8% since Q3 2020, an increase of 27 million users. That means that if you want to become popular you need to be ready to see many problems on your way.

But with Viewsta.com and Twitter promotion services you can win in the marketers war.

  1. Twitter has far more male users (70%) than female users (30%)

 Nearly ¾ of Twitter’s audience is male, an important consideration when thinking about how you can use this network to connect with your particular audience. (Male and female are the only options Twitter reports for gender.)

In the United States, the gap is smaller: 54% of U.S. Twitter users are male, and 43% female.

3. 82% of B2B content marketers used Twitter for organic content marketing in the last 12 months

Twitter is tied with Facebook for this Twitter business statistic. Only LInkedIn ranks higher, at 96%. 

4. 27% of B2B content marketers used Twitter ads in the last 12 months

We just told you Twitter was tied with Facebook for B2B organic content marketing. For paid Twitter ads, it’s way behind: 67% of B2B marketers use Facebook ads, compared to only 27% using Twitter. Don’t lose your chance to start your Twitter promotion with Viewsta.

If you’re marketing to a B2B audience, there may be untapped market space here for you to explore.

5. 19% of retail banks have a dedicated Twitter customer service handle

That’s in addition to their main account.

Twitter is an effective channel for social media customer service, and a dedicated service account can help ensure your team responds quickly to incoming requests.

Follow the link and make your life easier in two clicks.

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