Your Guide to YouTube Shorts Download on iPhone & Android

October 24, 2023 — 4 mins read

YouTube Shorts has emerged as a compelling alternative for bite-sized video content on the YouTube platform.  Occasionally, users might want to save these snippets for offline access or various other reasons. This guide elucidates the process of securing  YouTube Shorts on both iPhone and Android devices.

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For iPhone aficionados,  the YouTube app offers a straightforward approach to saving YouTube videos. Simply navigate to the YouTube app, locate your desired Short, and you'll spot a 'Download' icon below the video, resembling a downward arrow. Upon selecting it, you'll be prompted to specify the video quality of your choice. Once this is done, your downloaded video awaits in the 'Downloads'  section,  nestled within the  Library tab of the YouTube app.  However,  remember that this video remains exclusive to the YouTube app and won't be found in the gallery or any other application on your iPhone.

For those who've been updated with iOS 14 or later versions, there's another method via the "Shortcuts" app, which is generally pre-installed. With this app, one can utilize specific shortcuts crafted for YouTube video downloads. After integrating one such shortcut into your Shortcuts application, transition to YouTube.  Sharing the YouTube Short and selecting the dedicated shortcut will immediately save the video to the gallery of your iPhone. If you are considering using Shorts as your promotional tool, we would recommend you buy YouTube shorts views from the Viewsta platform as it will allow you to boost your Shorts’ performance and elevate your presence on YouTube.

Android enthusiasts often find using third-party applications the most convenient route to download  YouTube Shorts.  Begin by  exploring the  Google Play Store for a "YouTube video downloader." Once you've settled on an application and installed it, open your  YouTube app.  Seek out the Short you're interested in and share it.  This sharing action will prompt you to opt for the recently installed downloader app. A choice regarding video quality will be presented, post which the download commences.

Opting for third-party apps indeed introduces an element of convenience. However, it's coupled with certain considerations. Privacy, for instance, is paramount. Some of these applications might overstep their boundaries by demanding unwarranted permissions or by collecting personal data. Moreover, the charm of free downloader apps often disguises the associated risks of ads and potential malware.

Moreover, it's crucial to remain conscientious about copyright stipulations. Unauthorized video downloads might inadvertently violate copyright norms, especially when these are devoid of due credit or are exploited commercially. To stay safe, always resort to trustworthy sources, peruse app reviews, and be vigilant about the permissions you grant.

YouTube Shorts' downloading, while advantageous for offline consumption or content reshaping, necessitates cognizance of copyright regulations and the plausible pitfalls of third-party apps. Commit to honoring the content creators' prerogatives and employ downloaded material judiciously. Whether you're embedded in the iOS or Android ecosystem, offline access to Shorts is a few steps away. Follow the above instructions, and you're poised to relish your favored videos whenever and wherever. If you are seeking to raise the popularity of your videos, you can buy YouTube views of the Viewsta platform and be sure that your growth is not compromised. 

Are YouTube Shorts only available on the YouTube app?

No,  YouTube Shorts are primarily accessible via the YouTube app,  especially with their dedicated "Shorts"  shelf.  However, they can also be viewed on the YouTube website, albeit without the specialized browsing experience that the mobile app provides.

Can I download  YouTube Shorts using the official  YouTube app?

Yes, if you have a YouTube Premium subscription, you can download  YouTube  Shorts directly from the official app for offline viewing. However, these downloads are confined to the app and can't be accessed outside it or shared with others.

Is downloading YouTube Shorts through third-party apps safe?

Downloading  YouTube Shorts using third-party apps carries potential risks.  Some of these apps may have privacy concerns, request unnecessary permissions, or contain malware. Always be cautious and download apps from trusted sources, reading user reviews and permissions before downloading.

What is a shortcut on iOS, and how can it help me download Shorts?

A shortcut on iOS refers to the "Shortcuts" app, which allows users to create or use predefined automation tasks for various apps. By using specific shortcuts designed for downloading  YouTube videos, users can save  YouTube Shorts directly to their iPhone gallery. It essentially streamlines the process, but always ensure the shortcut you're using is from a reputable source.

Can I  share downloaded  YouTube Shorts with others?

If you download  YouTube Shorts using the official YouTube app with a Premium subscription, you won't be able to share the offline videos with others, as they are restricted to the app. However, if you use other means to download them (like third-party apps or shortcuts), you can share the video files. Still, you must be mindful of copyright regulations and avoid redistributing content without permission.

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